Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tölva—Mánudaga cs


Lovely synth-scapes from Iceland’s Tölva. I had never hear do this but it’s pretty wonderful. It’s maybe the most positive sounding music I think I have ever enjoyed. It sort of moves slowly back and forth with a sense of optimism that I wasn’t expecting. Apparently these tracks were made with some fascinating synth contraption that was sadly stolen just before this album was to be recorded so they used bits and pieces that had been recorded to compile this. It sounds great and it’s really well thought out. I’d be curious to see this live, assuming that the synth machine thing has been rebuilt. IF you get a chance please let me know what you think. 

It looks pretty cool. Simple, clean, northern design that goes great with an Icelandic release. I dig it. Nice.

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