Wednesday, November 13, 2013

So here's the scoop.

Things have been crazy for me lately. I have been working constantly, trying to raise my kids, teaching/assisting with letter press at the School of Visual Concepts, writing music in both Blsphm and Great Falls and trying to get things out through Dead Accents. I have also been trying to start a new career in graphic design. I've been a bit swamped. I'm also poor as shit, so the stress levels are through the roof. It's a crazy life but I'm trying to get through. All of this nonsense and not-really-nonsense-at-all is the reason that I have been unable to get many reviews done for Dead Formats. I am starting to get some more going though. This month I will do my best to get everything that I need to review up and ready to read. It's a lot of stuff but if you have taken the time to send me something I will take the time to listen and write about it. After this month though things are going to be slow. I don't want to say that I'm going to stop doing Dead Formats but I will definitely have to keep it way on the back burner. I will do my best to keep things going but it will be slow going. Thanks for reading.

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